Book Review: How The Grinch Stole Christmas

How the Grinch Stole Christmas

~Dr. Seuss

Date Read: 10th May 2020

How the Grinch Stole Christmas

I love Dr. Seuss and last night, as I was enjoying a Mother’s Day game of UNO with my kids, I spotted this book on their shelf & pulled it out. It brought back fond memories of when they were younger (they’re 17, 13 & 10 now) and the fun of rhyme & alliteration and my theatrics and voice modulation.

At the end of it all, it was my 13 yr old who lay on my arm as I read the book to her, far away from Christmastime – in the Bangalore May heat – and cuddled her as she listened in rapt attention just like when she was a little toddler.

It was an unplanned Mother’s Day celebration. Nothing more to add, just this. And it’s OK that it isn’t technically a book review!

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